Sunday, September 29, 2013

Latest from the Garden- End of September report

The newly transplanted spider lily checking up on things here.
Not much as changed too much in the garden since my last blog posting, except that I pulled out the tomato plants a couple weeks ago (a mealy bug infestation took its toll), and put lettuce in their stead to accompany the two types of basil that I planted from seed months ago. One of the types of basil shown here is Genovese basil, whose cinnamony flavor I recognize from a pho dish at a local restaurant, and has flatter leaves than the other more common, Sweet Basil.

This spider lily was a late transplant that was given to me by one of my neighbors when I complimented her the lilies growing in her front yard beds. I hope that the lettuce lasts into the early part of winter. As far as the basil, maybe I'll pull them out, put them in a pot to keep inside all winter, which I have never done. We'll see, I am kind of excited at the prospect of making basil available throughout the coldest months of the year!

The newest addition to the garden saying "hi!"
As much as it pains me to share this, but it looks like my lavender is in its death throes. I have not figured out as to why it is dying. My watering of it has not changed, though it tends to not be very water intensive even if it lives in a big barrel type pot. Who knows at this point. I thought maybe it has to do with me needing to trim it down after its fantastic bloom from a couple months ago, but it has gone without a trim before. Perhaps the plant got attacked by some slugs or something. Time to dig around, I guess. Needless to say, I am pretty bummed about this plant going up to plant heaven. Until next time, thanks for stopping by!

A couple of morning glories.

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