Monday, June 02, 2008

Vacation from Reality

I just got back from a somewhat lengthy family vacation. It was great to see my parents, my nieces and nephews and visit with my friends in San Antonio on our return swing back to Dallas. I only wished that my folks had internet access so that way I could've posted something whenever it came to mind and not all at once and after the fact which I'm about to do here.

Courtesy on the Road

Growing up we made plenty of roadtrips throughout Texas and most of time we took the roads less traveled or the smaller, two-lane highways. On these "back roads" there was alot of the letting of people pass, either ourselves or the person ahead of us. And when that occurred, whomever was the passer, up went our hands to show the passee that the move over to the road's shoulder was much appreciated. It happened every time. It happened in each instance. It was highway courtesy at its finest. But somewhere between the years of those memorable family trips and the present, folks are hardly ever showing their appreciative hand gesture. Although having thought about it a little more, the "thank you" wave have been in dwindling over the past several years, but on our way down to South Texas, I did not see a single "thank you" wave when we moved over to the shoulder to let folks pass us by! I'm happy to say that I waved thank you whenever someone moved over for me.

NBA Playoffs- The Champs are Defeated

The good thing about the San Antonio Spurs losing to the Los Angeles Lakers was that I only saw two complete games from beginning to end: that 20-point blown lead in game 1 and their game 3 win. Being that we were busy visiting family, we caught only fleeting glimpses of most of the series, which was a good thing because I hated to see the Spurs lose to LA. But I will give the Lakers this much, they were the better team, top to bottom, and they deserve to make it to the Finals after making those personnel moves to finally get over the Spurs hump. The Spurs looked like the old team they really are and only beat the New Orleans Hornets because of pure pride. I still haven't made up my mind who to cheer for in the finals. I could cheer for the Lakers because they beat the Spurs and to prove that Kobe doesn't need Shaquille O'Neal to win a championship. On the other hand, I would like to see Boston win so their "big 3" could finally win a championship. Either way, I expect this series to at least go 7 games unless the Celtics cannot win a road game in Los Angeles.

Putting the Guilt in the Trip

On our return trip back to town we visited our friends in San Antonio and I got my share of guilt thrown at me from a couple of my friends for living so far away. First off, one of my friends gave me her subtle shade of guilt like she usually does whenever she sends me an email. This usually consists of telling me that there's a few houses up for sale in the neighborhood where she and her husband live. Of course this feeds directly to my wife's line of thinking. Anyway, it gets worse.

We went over to visit my daughter's godparents. Mind you, each one of them has a Ph.D. in their field of expertise, so they're alot more driven than me. [On a side note, my compadre may ask me to draw him his maps for his upcoming book on the Spanish-French borderlands in what is now eastern Texas and western Louisiana.] During our visit, my daughter's godmother point blank asked me why we're still in Dallas. Having been caught off guard by the question, I didn't come up with any convincing reason. But having thought about it a bit, I figured it was because of my job. I really like my job and I doubt that I'd find a similar type job in San Antonio with the experience and degree that I have at this point like the one I have now. It's complicated really. It's all grey area. Perhaps it could be for a similar reason why I moved to SA in the first place.

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