Saturday, November 10, 2007

Healthy Television

I've become a big fan of NBC's reality television show, The Biggest Loser. You gotta say that this show is probably the best in terms of providing a healthy lifestyle. I love to see these folks change from their old, obese selves into the lean, healthy machines most become at the show's end. Even the contestants who get voted off the show during the season continue the exercise regimens learned in front of America and look just as great.

Over the past several months, I've told my friends that I wish I could join the cast just so I can workout all day and eat well. Of course when I tell my friends this, they usually raise an eyebrow and say that I don't need to do that. Well, they have a point. Even though I'm quite overweight, I'm about at that halfway point for those guys who start off near or over 300 pounds. I'm about 255-260, down from near 280 a couple years ago. I just wish I had more time to lose the 30 pounds or so that I think would be a good weight for me. Now if I was on this show, I'd probably be voted off before too long because I'd lose the weight too quickly. A good problem to have I guess.

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