When I pick up a book of poetry I usually pick out a random page and read what is there. In this case I read "Planetarium" from Nikki Grimes' "Words with Wings." And it was the last sentence that made me read the entire book in one sitting: "Me, I gather new words
like moon rocks,
souvenirs I get to keep
long after we leave."
The main character is Gabby, a daydreamer, who's inattention in school and home gets in the way of her schoolwork and chores from time to time. Her daydreams take wing and cover everything from her newly divorced parents, snowflakes, comets, and the aforementioned planetarium. And each as vivid as Gabby should want them to be.
Thoughts of my own daughter flashed through my mind as I read Gabby's story. Perhaps seeing similar facets of her in Gabby's words made the poetic verses stand out even more. I have only scratched the surface on reading Grimes' poetry and this book has me hooked.