One of the things I love about my home state is that there is so much to see and do all within the confines of these Texas borders. And what has come into my wheelhouse is to visit as many of the wineries and vineyards of Texas as possible. I only lament the fact that I started my Texas winery visits only at the start of my fortieth year.
With the help with Texas tourism website and Fredericksburg C of C information, we were able to make the most of our time in the Texas Hill Country last summer. And little did we know that the Texas Hill Country would make Wine Enthusiast top ten wine destinations.
I feel so proud to see the Texas wine industry flourish, yet so much work needs to get done and that is why I do my best to help spread what #TXWine and its industry can do for our great state.
Plus I love to help people find some good wine to drink. For example, check out Wine Enthusiast's buying guide for Texas wines.
Oh, and if you get a chance, visit here for a chance to win a Wine Enthusiast Texas Hill Country vacation.
Remember: travel Texas, travel #TXWine